'Rhaid inni wella addysg am y mislif mewn ysgolion' – yn ôl y Dirprwy Weinidog Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol
‘We must improve education around menstrual cycles in schools’ – vows Deputy Minister for Social Partnership
'Rhaid gwneud mwy i wella addysg am gylchred y mislif os ydyn ni am fynd i'r afael ag urddas mislif mewn ysgolion', meddai Hannah Blythyn, y Dirprwy Weinidog Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol.
Mae cynllun gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru, sef Cymru sy'n Falch o'r Mislif, yn nodi'r uchelgais i wreiddio urddas mislif mewn ysgolion, a gwella adnoddau addysgol priodol mewn perthynas â chylchred y mislif.
Mae lles mislif a dysgu am gylchred y mislif yn fandadol o dan y Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Mae’r Cod Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb yn nodi'r hyn y dylid ei ddysgu dros amser wrth i blant dyfu.
Y gobaith yw y bydd gwella argaeledd yr adnoddau addysgol a'r hyn a ddysgir am gylchred y mislif yn cael gwared ar y stigma sy'n gysylltiedig â siarad am y mislif, yn helpu i'w ddeall yn well, ac yn chwalu'r tabŵau a'r mythau amdano.
Mae hyn yn cynnwys adnoddau addysgol fel Hwb - Chwalu'r Mythau am y Mislif, adnodd sydd wedi'i anelu'n bennaf at ddisgyblion ysgolion uwchradd.
Dau o nodau craidd cynllun gweithredu Cymru sy'n Falch o'r Mislif yw mynd i'r afael â thlodi mislif drwy wella mynediad at nwyddau mislif, a sicrhau urddas yn ystod y mislif drwy gael gwared ar unrhyw ymdeimlad o stigma neu gywilydd sy'n gysylltiedig â'r mislif.
Yn 2022, roedd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cynyddu'r cyllid i £3.9 miliwn i sicrhau y gallai dysgwyr mewn ysgolion a Sefydliadau Addysg Bellach, a'r rhai mewn angen yn ein cymunedau, gael gafael ar nwyddau mislif am ddim.
Canfu adroddiad ymchwil i'r Grant Urddas Mislif fod cynnydd yn cael ei wneud o ran gwella argaeledd nwyddau mislif, gan gynnwys drwy ysgolion, i'r rhai sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd cael mynediad atynt.
Mae'r adroddiad hefyd yn argymell y dylid darparu mwy o wybodaeth i bobl am y mislif, ochr yn ochr â’r hyn a wneir yn y sector addysg, mewn ymgais i roi diwedd ar y stigma a'r tabŵau ynghylch siarad amdano.
Mae gwaith ar gyd-gynhyrchu adnoddau addysg ar les mislif, fel rhan o'r dysgu mandadol o dan y Cod Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb, wedi dechrau hefyd. Rydym yn gweithio gydag eraill i sicrhau bod ymarferwyr yn gallu manteisio ar gymorth ac adnoddau proffesiynol sydd ar gael yn gyhoeddus, a'u rhannu ag ysgolion a lleoliadau eraill ledled Cymru.
Ymwelodd Hannah Blythyn, y Dirprwy Weinidog Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol, â champws Gellihaf Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni yng Nghaerffili i weld eu 'Hymgyrch i wella Urddas Mislif', sy'n ceisio rhoi gwybod i'r disgyblion am realiti'r mislif, gan chwalu'r mythau a magu hyder merched ifanc i siarad am eu cyrff mewn ffordd hyderus.
Mae'r ysgol hefyd yn rhannu'r berchenogaeth o gyfleusterau mislif sy'n cael eu datblygu ar draws dau safle.
Dywododd Hannah Blythyn, y Dirprwy Weinidog Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol: "Mae mynd i'r afael ag urddas mislif yn rhan allweddol o'n cynllun Cymru sy'n Falch o'r Mislif. Rhaid inni wneud mwy i wella addysg am gylchred y mislif os ydyn ni am fynd i'r afael ag urddas mislif mewn ysgolion.
"Mae wedi bod yn fraint imi gael cyfle i weld fy hunan y gwaith sy’n cael ei chynnal yn Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni ar yr 'Ymgyrch i wella Urddas Mislif', sydd hefyd yn cynnwys eu hymdrechion i fagu hyder disgyblion ifanc i siarad am eu cyrff mewn ffordd hyderus.
"Os gallwn ni gael gwared ar y stigma sydd ynghlwm wrth siarad am y mislif, a chwalu'r mythau a'r tabŵau amdano hefyd, gallwn wella lles mislif disgyblion a’u hymwybyddiaeth o'r mislif mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru. Bydd hyn yn ei dro o fudd i'w hiechyd wrth iddyn nhw ddod yn oedolion."
Dywedodd Jeremy Miles, y Gweinidog Addysg: "Rydyn ni'n ymdrechu i wella adnoddau addysg ynghylch y mislif, a sicrhau bod urddas mislif yn cael ei ystyried mewn canllawiau i ysgolion, awdurdodau lleol a cholegau.
"Mae lles mislif wedi'i gynnwys yn ein cwricwlwm drwy'r Cod Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb, sy'n cael ei gyflwyno yn ein hysgolion ar hyn o bryd. Rydyn ni hefyd yn gweithio gyda'r sector Addysg Uwch i hyrwyddo urddas mislif fel rhan o bolisïau ac arferion sefydliadau mewn perthynas â llesiant."
Dywedodd Tracey Neale, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Cwm Rhymni: "Rydyn ni'n falch i allu dangos y ffordd rydyn ni'n mynd ati i ymgorffori urddas mislif yn ein cwricwlwm. A hefyd y ffordd rydyn ni'n cefnogi merched ifanc a theuluoedd ledled y fwrdeistref.
"Mae'n hanfodol bod disgyblion yn cael eu dysgu am realiti'r mislif. Rydyn ni'n cael gwared ar y stigma sy'n gysylltiedig â siarad amdano, fel nad ydyn nhw'n ofni gofyn am help ac yn gallu dod i wybod mwy amdano."
Nodiadau i olygyddion
Pic captions
- Deputy Minister for Social Partnership Hannah Blythyn in front of a wall display about Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni's Period Dignity Drive
- Deputy Minister Hannah Blythyn talking to pupils in the classroom at Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni
- Deputy Minister Hannah Blythyn discussing the Period Dignity Drive with pupils from Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni
- Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni
- Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni's wall display about their Period Dignity Drive
- It is a legal requirement that the learning in RSE should be developmentally appropriate
A copy of the Period Proud Wales plan is available here:
Hwb - Busting the Myths
- o Welsh Government worked with Keep Wales Tidy Eco Schools to provide this resource to promote open discussion with young people and help break down the myths around periods and period products.
- o Although aimed primarily at secondary schools, the resources also include information about sustainable alternatives to single use period products and the impact these can have on the environment which may also be of use to community groups.
- o Busting the Myths is accessible to all (not just schools), free of charge and can be accessed on Hwb via the link below:
- o https://hwb.gov.wales/repository/resource/686e315c-2f6c-428e-8425-2740bcf3da74/en
- o Keep Wales Tidy is a registered environmental charity working to protect our environment for now and for the future. Visit our website for more information: www.keepwalestidy.cymru
- o Eco-Schools is run in Wales by Keep Wales Tidy and funded by the Welsh Government. For more information on the programme, please visit: www.keepwalestidy.cymru/eco-schools
- o The Eco-Schools programme is owned by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and is the largest global sustainable schools programme on the planet, running in 70 countries world-wide.
- o It is designed to empower and inspire young people to make positive environmental changes to their school and wider community, while building on their key skills, including numeracy and literacy, and encompassing Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship.
- o The Period Dignity Grant ensures that period products are available in every school in Wales and across a range of community venues including foodbanks, libraries, leisure centres, family centres, community hubs and youth services.
By 2027 we will live in a Wales where:
- periods are fully understood, accepted and a normalised topic of conversation. It is widely recognised that periods are not a choice and period products are not a luxury
- women, girls and those who have periods have easy, respectful and open access to good quality and safe products of their choice, when and where necessary
- equitable access to provision across Wales exists, whilst allowing for local arrangements
- the stigma, taboos and myths which exist have been challenged through provision of information and educational resources. No-one is ashamed or embarrassed about periods and can speak openly and confidently about them, whether they have periods or do not
- understanding of periods will extend beyond the bleeding part of the cycle to the whole menstrual cycle, recognising that people who menstruate experience cycle-related impacts (physical and psychological) and needs throughout their cycles
- the potential impact of periods and how they may change during the peri-menopause, menopause and as a result of broader health issues is widely understood and
- this impact is responded to safely and non-judgmentally within education, employment and health based settings
- women, girls and people who menstruate feel able to access health-based services around their period and related matters and are confident that these services will be sensitive and informed by sex and gender
- a broader range of period products are in use, limiting the negative environmental impact of many disposable products
- women, girls and all those who have periods:
- o fully understand their period and know what is normal for them
- o are confident to seek help and medical advice, if necessary
- o do not face health inequalities when seeking medical advice or help
- o know how best to manage their period to ensure it does not negatively impact on their life
- o have an understanding of the different types of products available, their correct use and disposal, and can choose the most appropriate product for them
- o have access to appropriate facilities to enable them to manage their period in privacy, with dignity and in a healthy way.
- the historic normalisation of what might be medically concerning symptoms in relation to periods is challenged
The research report provides 12 recommendations, with some applicable to Welsh Government and others to be progressed by organisations working with the Period Dignity Grant.
- Recommendations for Welsh Government:
- - Map out the community networks and grassroot organisations within communities to make sure the grant is reaching those areas most in need.
- - More flexibility in how and when money is spentg. carrying monies over, using more of the grant on information and education etc. within a given financial year is needed, alongside the range of items the grant can fund.
- - Due to the growing amount of resource required to manage the grant, the Welsh Government should look to include administration costs especially for local authorities.
- - Provide a standardised training and educational offer which all organisations can adopt. But within this, offer tailored, accessible information to suit those with literacy or language barriers.
- - Look at offering a centralised ordering system, but this offer would need to be scoped out and co-designed by organisations for it to work effectively.
- - Improve the way the grant is monitored – in terms of the outputs - and the overall feedback – in terms of more regular, meaningful shared learning sessions - process from organisations. Overall this would improve the quality of data and consistency of data collected in order to track outcomes and impacts for both organisations and end users alike.
- Recommendations for organisations
- - Make sure that there are trained and dedicated staff in educational settings that learners are both comfortable with, and are aware of, and capable of supporting more complex needs.
- - Period products should be freely accessible across all settings, without the need to ask staff for products.
- - Improve the levels of co-design and co-delivery of free period products and education in academic settings.
- - Organisations should look to improve the availability of items including the range of absorbency levels for both reusable, plastic free and standard disposable period products.
- - Information, alongside education, needs to be offered as wraparound e.g. education, information, financial support across all organisations, both with people who do and don’t menstruate to help overcome the stigma and taboos around periods. This ideally needs to be started at a young age e.g., the later years of primary school.
- - Learners' experiences with using reusable products need to be offered to other learners in an educational setting. This would potentially help to overcome people’s concerns around leakage, hygiene concerns etc. and encourage people to give these products a try.